Essential Spa Equipment

The DermaGlow 4-in-1 system is the latest model to be added to our Aqua Face line. This system includes Hydradermabrasion, Radiofrequency with LED technology, and also Oxygen Infusion.

The DERMA-DIAMOND 4 1 function system ELTK-172 includes four of the essential spa treatments in the spa room of today. These include Ultrasound therapy for eyes, face, and body, vacuum therapy, exfoliation therapy and more!

Multi-Function Facial System
The Digital 10 in 1 function system from ELTK combines the latest in both facial and body treatment technologies to offer complete treatment in any spa or medical spa facility today. This system combines many different functions.

Skin Tag Removal PRO
This system functions to eliminate skin tags on the face and body through high-frequency electrical coagulation. This type of technology is an excellent technique that can be used to remove small freckles and skin tags on the skin.