Spa Consultation

Spa Consult Package

Our 3-point spa consult process guides you each step of the way to begin your journey in the booming spa industry of today! Led by industry leaders who have worked in the spa industry over 20+ years we help you in each step of the process. Ideal for healthcare professionals such as nurses and allied health professionals entering the spa industry of today, spa owners, and business innovators that are beginning their journey in the esthetic professional world of today!

What is included in our spa consult program? We have broken it down into 3 steps to make it easy for our professional team to guide, assist, and lead you through each part.  

Step 1: 

  • Registration of Company
  • Registration of laser/ devices in spa 
  • Inspection preparation for laser documents/ formalities 
  • Legality recommendations for insurance, staff and policies and procedures
  • Logo Vision 
  • Pair with MD/DO staff evaluation ( recommendations and guidance to pairing with medical director) 

Step 2: 

  • Documenting/charting in med spa (configure charting program and consent forms for business)
  • Program Packages
  • Creation of google listing 
  • Ordering recommendations for products and pharmacy set up 
  • Photos of treatments/ provider in clinical setting

    Step 3: 
  • Staff Training Courses and guidance (inclusive with equipment)
  • Skincare product recommendations (private label products we carry) 
  • Staff training on equipment ( inclusive with equipment)
  • Customized protocols for the practice needs 

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